How to borrow money from Renmoney – Renmoney Loan USSD Code

Renmoney is a leading digital lending platform in Nigeria that provides quick and easy access to loans for individuals and businesses. Renmoney offers a variety of loan products, including personal loans, business loans, and salary loans.

One of the most convenient ways to borrow money from Renmoney is through the USSD code. The USSD code is a short code that you can dial on your phone to access Renmoney's services.

In this blog post, we will show you how to borrow money from Renmoney using the USSD code.

What is Renmoney Loan App?

Renmoney Loan App is a mobile application that allows users to apply for and manage loans from Renmoney, a leading digital lending platform in Nigeria. The app is available for download on both Android and iOS devices.

To use the Renmoney Loan App, users must first create an account and provide some basic information, such as their name, email address, phone number, and BVN. Once an account is created, users can apply for a loan by entering the amount of money they need, the purpose of the loan, and their repayment plan.

If the loan application is approved, the funds will be deposited into the user's bank account within minutes. Users can then use the app to track their loan balance, make payments, and view their repayment history.

What are the Renmoney Loan Types

Renmoney caters to the individual requirements of each borrower by providing a broad selection of loan products. These various sorts of loans include:

        Personal Loans:  Personal loans are loans that are not secured by collateral and can be used for any purpose. They provide adaptable periods for repayment, making them a potentially attractive choice for debtors who require immediate access to cash.

        Loans for Businesses: Loans for businesses are aimed to assist existing enterprises in growing and expanding their operations. They provide reasonable interest rates and can be applied towards the financing of a wide range of business needs, including marketing, inventory, and equipment purchases.

        Salary Advance: A Salary Advance is a form of short-term loan that is repaid via your regular salary and is also known as a salary advance. They provide prompt access to cash and might be a smart choice for borrowers who need to meet unanticipated expenses because they are an option that they offer.

        Renmoney Flex:  Renmoney Flex is a line of credit that enables you to borrow money on an as-needed basis up to a maximum limit that has been pre-approved by Renmoney. Borrowers who require continuous access to cash may find this option to be beneficial because it provides variable conditions under which the loan must be repaid.

What are The Features and Benefits of Renmoney Loans

Renmoney is a digital lending platform that offers a variety of loans to individuals and businesses in Nigeria. The company has a number of features and benefits that make it a popular choice for borrowers.

Here are the Features and Benefits of Renmoney Loans:

Loan Interest Rate Calculator: The interest rate calculator is one of the most useful Renmoney loan app features. You can use this function to estimate how much you will pay back on your loan before you apply.

Quick approval and disbursement: Renmoney loans are approved and disbursed within 24 hours of approval, and funds are disbursed within 24 hours of approval.

No collateral required: Renmoney personal loans are unsecured, which means you do not need to offer collateral to obtain a loan.

Multiple repayment options: Renmoney loans have various repayment options, allowing you to select a payback plan that fits your budget.

24/7 customer support: Renmoney offers 24/7 customer support if you have any questions or concerns about your loan.

Various loan types: Renmoney has loans for everyone, whether you want to establish or grow your business, or even for personal use.

Competitive interest rates: Renmoney provides competitive interest rates when compared to other lenders in Nigeria. 

Requirements for Obtaining a Renmoney Loan

Renmoney has a set of requirements that borrowers must meet in order to qualify for a loan. These requirements include:

        Citizenship: You must be a citizen of Nigeria.

        Age: You must be at least 18 years old and no more than 65 years old.

        Employment: You must be employed and have a steady income.

        Residence: You must be a resident of Nigeria.

        Bank account: You must have a bank account in Nigeria.

        BVN: You must have a Bank Verification Number (BVN).

        Credit score: You must have a good credit score.

How to borrow money from Renmoney

To apply for a loan on Renmoney, you can either visit their website or download their mobile app.

If you are applying through the website:

        Go to Renmoney's website at

        Click on the "Apply Now" button on the homepage.

        Enter your email address and other required details to create an account.

        Click on the "Apply Now" button again and fill out the loan application form. This includes your personal and financial information, such as your BVN, phone number, home address, date of birth, employment status, and income.

        If you are applying for a business loan, you will need to upload supporting documents, such as a valid means of identification, a recent utility bill, and your bank statement.

        Review your application details and submit your application.

If you are applying through the mobile app:

        Download theRenmoney Loan app from your app store.

        Create an account by entering your email address and other required details.

        Click on the "Apply Now" button and fill out the loan application form. This includes your personal and financial information, such as your BVN, phone number, home address, date of birth, employment status, and income.

        If you are applying for a business loan, you will need to upload supporting documents, such as a valid means of identification, a recent utility bill, and your bank statement.

        Review your application details and submit your application.

After submitting your application, Renmoney will review it and notify you of the outcome within hours. If your loan is approved, the funds will be disbursed to your bank account within 24 hours.

Renmoney Loan USSD Code

A Renmoney USSD code is a convenient short code that may be used to apply for a loan from the company via a mobile phone. Any mobile phone, regardless of its network provider, can use the USSD code *723# to access the Renmoney service.

To apply for a loan with Renmoney, dial *723*73001#. Any mobile phone can use this code to borrow money from Renmoney. 

Renmoney Loan Interest Rates

The interest rates offered by Renmoney change depending on the type of loan and the amount borrowed. The interest rates are vary between 2.4 and 9.33% per month or roughly 33.9% per annum.


What is the USSD code for Renmoney loan?

The USSD code for Renmoney loan is 723#. To use this code, simply dial 723# from your mobile phone and follow the prompts. You will be able to apply for a loan, check your loan balance, make a payment, and more.

What is the minimum and maximum amount you can borrow from Renmoney?

The minimum loan amount that you can borrow from Renmoney is N50,000, and the maximum loan amount is N6,000,000. The actual amount that you are approved for will depend on your credit score, income, and other factors.

How do I borrow money from Renmoney?

Borrowing money from Renmoney can be done in a number different ways.

You can submit an application for a loan using the Renmoney website, which allows you to do so online. You will be required to enter your personal information in order to accomplish this, including your name, phone number, email address, and BVN number. You are also going to be required to supply information regarding your income and expenses.

You can also submit an application for a loan through the mobile app that Renmoney provides. In order to accomplish this, you will be required to set up an account and supply the same information that you would provide if you were submitting an application online.

You can also submit an application for a loan by using the USSD code that Renmoney provides. To do this, dial 723# on your mobile phone and then follow the on-screen instructions.

What are the repayment terms for Renmoney loans?

Renmoney's loans can be repaid over a period of time ranging from three to eighteen months, depending on the borrower's needs. Your credit score, the amount of money you borrow, and the amount of money you bring in each month are some of the elements that will determine the length of the repayment term that is offered to you.


Through their USSD code, Renmoney provides customers with a solution to borrow money that is both convenient and effective. You will be able to have access to the funds you require if you simply follow the instructions that are given in this article.

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